JUNE 14th & 15th, 2025

Professionally managed by experienced staff
THREE elite tournament venues with more than 20 total fields
Quality competition
First Aid/Athletic Therapists on location
All teams guaranteed four (4) games
Per LTPD regulations, no scores, standings, or awards for U9 – U13
Champions & Finalists (U14 +) will receive a “Premier Spring Cup”
LOCATION: Surrey, BC, Canada
GENDER: Boys & Girls
U11 - U13 TIER 1 | TIER 2 | TIER 3
U14 - TIER 1 | TIER 2 | TIER 3
U15 - U17 TIER 2 | TIER 3
U18 - U19 TIER 2 | TIER 3 | TIER 4
Before you register please read the information on Tiering found HERE
Please contact us HERE if you have any questions about tiering.
U19 (2007) teams can register in U18.
U9 - 2017 born
U10 - 2016 born
U11 - 2015 born
U12 - 2014 born
U13 - 2013 born
U14 - 2012 born
U15 - 2011 born
U16 - 2010 born
U17 - 2009 born
U18 - 2008 born
U19 - 2007 born
Before April 15th 2025
U9 - U13 - $550 +GST
U14 - U19 - $700 +GST
After April 15th 2025
U9 - U13 - $600 +GST
U14 - U19 - $750 +GST
The fee shown in the registration system includes GST
E11even Management and the Premier Soccer Series have partnered with EventConnect, for the upcoming tournament season, to handle tournament registration, payments, team/player info, hotel bookings and overall tournament communications.

Please review the following policies. Any requests for exemptions to a policy must be received in writing a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of the tournament.
Tournament registration fees are due in full at the time of application. Full refunds can be requested and issued, less a $150.00 administration fee, up to April 15th, 2025.
Requests for refunds must be made in writing, to the attention of the Showcase director. Requests can be emailed to
After April 15th, 2025 no refunds will be issued, for any reason including acts of God. These include but are not limited to:
Fires/smoke from fires
We are not responsible for team travel related issues such as postponed or a cancelled flights or travel restrictions that may be imposed. Teams must take appropriate measures to consider coverage, at the time of booking.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond control, the following will be considered:
A refund to reflect the remaining portion of the team’s registration
A full or partial credit towards a future event
A rescheduling of the event in the near future
As a BC Soccer sanctioned tournament, entry into the Premier Spring Cup shall be limited to teams, which are properly affiliated with BC Soccer and/or other Provincial/State Associations.
Teams participating from outside of BC must provide copies of approved travel documents, prior to the tournament, for their team/players from the Provincial/State Association of which they are affiliated.
Only properly registered players, in good standing, shall be permitted to participate in the tournament.
All teams are responsible for all registration, permits and approvals within their club/district and/or any other jurisdiction and governing body. We are not responsible for confirming player eligibility and/or insurability and trust all teams will comply with any/all policies put in place by their governing bodies in regards to player/team eligibility to participate in this or any other sanctioned tournament.
All teams travelling from out of town, requiring accommodations must stay at one of the Premier Events host hotels. Host hotel information can be found HERE. All rooms must be booked through Event Connect on your team dashboard.
Hotels vary by price and amenity so that teams can choose the option that suits them best. Bookings are first come, first served and once a selection is full teams must choose an alternate from the list provided. We expect a significant number of out of town teams and we recommend you book your hotel immediately upon registration.
Any team found to have not booked at a host hotel will be removed from the schedule and no refund will be provided.
Teams may use the services of a guest player so long as the following conditions are met:
A player is not on the roster of another team participating in a competitive division in the Premier Spring Cup. A player can only play on one team in the tournament. U9-U13 teams can play on multiple teams, so long as they are not playing down in age.
If a team is from BC and the player is not registered with BC Soccer, the team must apply for a Short Term Event Player Permit for the player a minimum of 10 business days before the tournament date (June 4th 2025). To obtain a permit contact us HERE for more information
Teams participating in an approved tournament, wishing to use the services of a player registered with another club, shall first obtain written permission from the team & Youth District and/or Adult League with which the player is registered. Players registered with BC Soccer must use the form found HERE.
If you have any questions contact us HERE.
Teams looking for players, or players looking for a team check out our Guest Player list HERE Be patient, the list can sometimes take a bit of time to populate.
By registering for this event, you are consenting to the use of any photographs and/or video recordings, of any team player(s) or staff member(s), taken by E11even Management Inc. for use on our website, social media sites, and/or in any marketing materials.
Please keep in mind that the spirit of this event, for all levels, is to have fun and compete against other teams of similar ability. We understand that everyone likes to win; however, in the process, we expect that all teams respect their opponents and the match officials.
All teams shall be expected to play their first game as early as 8:30AM on June 14th and their final game at 4:30PM on June 15th Please consider this in your travel plans. Requests will be considered but not guaranteed. Each year close to 200 teams register for this top tournament and it simply not possible to accommodate everyone.
Teams are not required to check in at the park, all required information must be entered in the team dashboard before the event.
Players are not required to check in.
Each team must provide a designated contact person, with an email address and phone number that will be used during the weekend, in the event that we need to communicate with your team.
As part of the online check in process teams must have pre-submitted:
Travel permit from Provincial or State Association (for non-BC based teams)
A current roster (uploaded on the registration system prior to team check-in)
Any permits required by the team.
Information should be submitted by following the instructions found HERE
ALL TEAMS must upload their roster at least one week before the tournament.
Teams may use guest players (per our policy)
Overage players are not permitted (unless written approval has been received from the tournament director). All players must be currently registered with their Provincial or State Association.
ID cards/player passes are not required; however, proof of age of a player may be requested at any time at check in or by the referee or another member of the tournament staff.
Played in accordance with FIFA laws, distinct U10-U12 rules are at the end of this document. For more information on game formats/competition formats, points and tie breakers click HERE
U9 – U13 will have 1 referee
We make every effort to assign 3 capable officials to all 11v11 games; however, since covid there has been a serious referee crisis in BC, as the development of enough quality officials has been much slower to recover. We are working with BC Soccer and clubs to try and support referee development so we can return to the standard that we/you expect; however, there will be cases where this is simply not possible in the short term. We apologize in advance if your game is short on AR’s and/or you perceive the standard of officiating is not up to your expectations. We are working hard to improve this and your patience with us and the officials we do assign, is very much appreciated.
If your referee is not at the field 5 minutes before the start of your game, please visit the closest field marshal tent and let us know.
Unlimited for all age groups at the referee’s discretion.
Will be posted online only.
Referees will submit the official game score.
U9 – U13 As per LTPD, no results (scores or standings) will be kept.
U14 - U18 Scores and standings will be kept.
U14 - U18 championship games will have a presentation immediately following the final game at the Headquarters of the park your game is played at.
Any player receiving a red card in a match is subject to discipline as follows:
An automatic suspension of his/her next game
Potential further review/suspension by the discipline committee
The referee’s decision in matters concerning the Laws of the Game is considered final. The Tournament Officials will not overrule a referee's decision.
The Premier Spring Cup has a zero-tolerance policy for verbal and/or physical abuse of any referee by players, team officials, parents or spectators and will take any infraction seriously (potential suspension for entire event or team expulsion from the tournament)
Players, coaches, and spectators are expected to conduct themselves within the Laws of the Game and generally accepted good sportsmanship. Displayers of temper or dissent are cause for ejection from the game and surrounding field area. Repeated violations may result in the suspension/expulsion of the team in question.
It is the responsibility of the Club/Team staff to control the conduct of its parents and other spectators. Failure to do so may result in a warning to the coach or person acting on the coach’s behalf.
If unacceptable behaviour persists, the referee may terminate the match.
All participants should be aware that Field Marshals have the authority and right to remove any unruly or uncivil spectators from the game field perimeter and/or the field complex area.
Absolutely no alcoholic beverages are permitted in the park.
Only protests regarding non-referee decisions will be permitted.
All protests will only be entertained if received, in writing, within one hour after the completion of the game in question. A $250.00 fee, payable in cash, must accompany all protests. Protests and fees can be delivered to the tournament headquarters. The protest fee will be fully refunded if the protest in question is deemed valid.
The following process has been implemented to address any complaints or issues that arise throughout the event.
Grievances must only be reported by a Team Managers by email to the Tournament Officials
Any reports from anyone other than a team official will be deleted upon receipt.
Provide a clear written account of the incident including – game number, time & location - name/names of persons involved
A Tournament Official will respond to the grievance -
All reports will be addressed in order of severity.
All reports will be taken seriously; but not all will warrant further investigation.
Some reports may not be addressed until after the event if they do not affect the outcome/running of the event.
In the event of inclement weather, the tournament director will have the authority to:
Relocate or reschedule any game(s); Change the duration of any game(s); Cancel any game(s)
A game is considered complete if less than 25% of the time remains.
No refunds will be provided and E11even Management is not responsible for team’s out of pocket expenses in the event that the tournament is cancelled due to weather. In lieu of a refund, the tournament may provide a credit (full or partial) for a future tournament.
A team shall be allowed a five (5) minute grace period after the scheduled kick-off time before the match is awarded to their opponent.
In no case shall a team, which forfeits a game, be declared a group winner
If an apparent group winner forfeits a game, the team with the next best record shall be determined the group winner
If a team is the cause for the termination of a game, that team will be considered to have forfeited the game. This decision may not be protested
Playing a suspended player is grounds for a forfeit
A forfeit shall be recorded as a 1-0 victory for the opponent. 5 points would be awarded
All teams are scheduled for four (4) games; however, at the discretion of the tournament director, the number of games may be reduced due to exceptional circumstances. The tournament is not liable for any expenses and no refunds will be provided.
The tournament committee or their official representative will be responsible for any rule interpretation. Their decision will be final.
The tournament committee, event operations staff, and E11even Management are not liable for any injuries sustained by any participant in the tournament, on or off the field.
The Premier Spring Cup will take place in two cities at four main athletic parks, with a couple of satellite fields where required.
We expect the parks to be extremely busy throughout the duration of the tournament. Please leave yourself ample time to travel and find parking.
All field maps can be found HERE.
There will be first aid/athletic therapy tent on site during the tournament. They are there to deal with basic injuries (cuts, sprains, etc), ankle taping, etc... For any serious emergencies, 911 is of course the best option. Ankle taping requires the players to bring their own tape or pay a nominal fee.
All teams are encouraged to take their team’s photo at the presentation area at any time during the tournament. You are also welcome to send or share them with us and we may use them on our Instagram, Facebook page or website. Use #premiersoccerseries on your posts so we find them or you can email them to us here. Follow our Facebook and Instagram @premiersoccerseries for all our event photos & videos.
Champions & Finalists in the U14 - U19 Divisions will have their photo taken with their trophies after their final game.